Category: Spinal Cord Injury Articles

Informative medical information on spinal cord injury hospitalization, wheelchair life, and living with a disability from people who have been there.

Disability Support Pension Myths And Facts

Employment assistance programs are proven worthwhile investments for people with disabilities but it’s important to look at the facts about the employment prospects of disability pensioners. The chances of an average DSP recipient obtaining ongoing full time employment in a mainstream job within 12 months of participating in an employment program is less than one in five. That is less than 20% secure full time work that would take them off social security…

Ableism A Definition Of Normal

Ableism means “to be normal.” By creating a “normal” category prejudice social attitudes and discriminatory behaviors toward persons with a disability are also created. Establishing the able body as normal in society automatically creates the default category of “abnormal” for all who don’t meet the normal group criteria. This ableism exists not only in society but extends to education, employment…

Spinal Injury Accident Scene Management

At a spinal injury accident scene you can dramatically improve short and long term outcomes for people with spinal cord injury by knowing these basic first aid and correct handling techniques. Always assume a spinal injury has occurred and after removing any major life threatening risks assess the airway breathing and circulation. Do not move the person unless it is extremely necessary, in that event…

Spinal Cord Injury Explained

Paralysis from spinal cord injury resulting in paraplegia and quadriplegia is an incurable life-long condition requiring use of a wheelchair ongoing medical care and personal support. For the majority spinal cord injury causes financial stress, compromised health, restricted social, education, employment, sexual and intimate relationship opportunities, and…