Category: Spinal Cord Injury Articles

Informative medical information on spinal cord injury hospitalization, wheelchair life, and living with a disability from people who have been there.

Media Driven Disability Stereotypes

Media reinforce and perpetuate negative bias simply by omission. Seldomly is the beauty and vitality that comes with a disability shown in popular culture and even more rare the portrayal as attractive parental and sexual beings. Prejudice attitudes against disability and sociological notions relegating the disabled body as something to be hidden are slowly changing.

Spinal Cord Injury Depression

Depression is not caused by a weakness or lack of will power. After spinal cord injury the incidence rate of depression in both men and women more than doubles. The impact of a traumatic event does not end when people have begun to mend physically. It is also important to note that the passage of time does not always heal the feelings caused by trauma. Often the longer one goes without getting help the more intense the feelings of distress.