Tag: wheelchair love

Wheelchair Sex After Spinal Cord Injury

Some sexual positions after spinal cord injuries like quadriplegia and paraplegia are best achieved by practising wheelchair sex. Modern wheelchairs with easy to remove armrests, footplates, folding backrests, and brakes make wheelchair sex fun and easy empowering greater sexual freedom. Some find paralysis and wheelchair users sexually attractive and actively seek them as partners for sex and life long love…

Quid Pro Quo

A Carlos Brooks film released by Magnolia Pictures in 2008, Quid Pro Quo stars Nick Stahl as Isaac Knott, a paraplegic radio reporter who dares follow the beautiful complex Fiona played by Vera Farmiga into the secretive world of self harm through wheelchair envy.

Media Driven Disability Stereotypes

Media reinforce and perpetuate negative bias simply by omission. Seldomly is the beauty and vitality that comes with a disability shown in popular culture and even more rare the portrayal as attractive parental and sexual beings. Prejudice attitudes against disability and sociological notions relegating the disabled body as something to be hidden are slowly changing.

Quadriplegic Lovers Relationship Troubles

In the beginning everybody was against us. I love him so much but admit adjusting to this lifestyle has been really hard. I gave alot to maintain my relationship with my fiance being a quadriplegic and we’ve had our ups and downs. It was love at first sight! He has always been in good spirits. He has accepted himself and his new life style. Which I admire so…