Tag: spinal cord injury

Fall And Rise Of A Star – Tasha Amadi

At seventeen Tasha Amadi became a quadriplegic after a diving accident training for a school swimming gala. An avid swimmer and scholar admired by her peers Tasha’s world was turned upside down. “The moment I hit the water I couldn’t feel my body. I floated around in the water face down, unable to get up. I saw blood in the water (I must have bitten my tongue) and heard my friend telling me to stop messing around and that I wasn’t being funny.” Her courage and determination saw her complete school with distinctions and go on to inspire all who meet her…

Spinal Injury Accident Scene Management

At a spinal injury accident scene you can dramatically improve short and long term outcomes for people with spinal cord injury by knowing these basic first aid and correct handling techniques. Always assume a spinal injury has occurred and after removing any major life threatening risks assess the airway breathing and circulation. Do not move the person unless it is extremely necessary, in that event…

Spinal Cord Injury Explained

Paralysis from spinal cord injury resulting in paraplegia and quadriplegia is an incurable life-long condition requiring use of a wheelchair ongoing medical care and personal support. For the majority spinal cord injury causes financial stress, compromised health, restricted social, education, employment, sexual and intimate relationship opportunities, and…

Autonomic Dysreflexia – Hyperreflexia

Autonomic dysreflexia also known as hyperreflexia occurs when a strong sensory impulse is sent via the spinal cord to the brain evoking a massive sympathetic reflex. Common to spinal cord injury above T6 level (such as quadriplegia or tetraplegia) dangerously high blood pressure levels warrant the symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia be investigated and treated immediately…