Category: Wheelchairs and Equipment

A wide range of info on wheelchairs and equipment from design and using wheelchairs to sourcing and modifying.

3D Disability Modeling

Movie studios employ dozens of CGI (Computer Generated Image) artists who toil for years to produce a two hour movie like Avatar. It can take months to learn how to use complex NURBS 3D modeling programs. Here are a few of my 3D disability modeling creations.

Manual Wheelchair Design and Production

Guidelines on design production and selection of manual wheelchairs. How to produce and supply quality manual wheelchairs in less-resourced settings. Health and safety, strength and durability, suitability for use, and effective production methods are main design criteria. These determine functional performance, stability, manoeuvrability, pushing and transferring efficiency, transport and reliability. Solid Long term testing and follow-ups involve local wheelchair users knowledgeable about their physical, environmental, social and cultural needs.