Author: Graham - Admin

Quadriplegic Founder and Admin of the Mad Spaz Club. Spinal Cord Injury Keynote Speaker and WRD Ambassador. I like meeting wheelchair users and sitting in the sun at the beach. I created and keep this website running to help people. To give voice to those unable to speak. As an advocate and keynote speaker for spinal cord injury awareness I am not afraid to discuss tough and controversial subjects. I have become a better man for listening to you the Mad Spaz Club members, and I thankyou one and all. So willing to bare your soul and share your precious thoughts many of you have touched me deeply. I have cried and laughed along with you, it has been humbling, empowering, and will always be my honor. To all the valued members of the Mad Spaz Club I look forward to learning more about you all for many years to come, sharing with open hearts our experiences through the freedom of speech empowering us and making all our lives meaningful positive and the richer.

Dumping Windows XP Cache

Here’s a guide to clean up those thousands of crap files Windows leaves on your system. Dumping Windows Xp cache with Disc Cleanup doesn’t fully remove the cache temporary internet files. Dumping your cache can increase performance, free up disc space and prevent people from tracking you on the internet via old cookies stored on your system.

WYSIWYG Website Builders

WYSIWYG any website building application that enables you to see content on-screen exactly as it will appear when uploaded to the internet or printed out, hence What You See Is What You Get. I have road tested some of the popular brands of WYSIWYG editors and give a review of the pro’s and con’s I found here.