Tag: wheelchair girl

Fall And Rise Of A Star – Tasha Amadi

At seventeen Tasha Amadi became a quadriplegic after a diving accident training for a school swimming gala. An avid swimmer and scholar admired by her peers Tasha’s world was turned upside down. “The moment I hit the water I couldn’t feel my body. I floated around in the water face down, unable to get up. I saw blood in the water (I must have bitten my tongue) and heard my friend telling me to stop messing around and that I wasn’t being funny.” Her courage and determination saw her complete school with distinctions and go on to inspire all who meet her…

Tegan Crick – Every Mothers Day

It Was Mothers Day. Tegan was to visit with her Mum but detoured off road for a bit of “bush bashing” first. “It was fun for a while then things got out of hand. The last thing I remember was my boyfriend yelling at the driver to slow down. I woke up in hospital a C5 paraplegic.” Tegan shares her heartbreak upon learning she would never walk again, receiving her first wheelchair and…