Tag: paraplegic

3D Wheelchair Model Animation

Creating 3D wheelchair model animation is easy with so many user friendly programs available these days. You no longer need a degree in kinetics to easily create realistic animations. I explained how to set up some simple 3D wheelchair models previously using free 3D software Daz3D. Now here are a few 3D wheelchair model animations ….

My Paraplegic Lover

I first met my paraplegic lover Chris online a year ago. There was an instant “click” as we are both from Midwest USA, the same age, liked the same music, and made each other laugh. It was wonderful to laugh with someone again. Each day we learned more about each other and the relationship grew. ….

Wheelchair Socks

Today, Dr. Eugene Emmer, owner of RehaDesign Wheelchair Accessories announced the launch of ‘Wheelchair Socks’ an innovative cover for wheelchair casters, the small front wheels on wheelchairs. The launch of Wheelchair Socks comes after years of requests from wheelchair users. RehaDesign offers three types of wheelchair tire covers for manual wheelchairs. Wheelchair Slippers cover the ….