Tag: spinal cord injury

Article Submission

We have made article submission very simple. Follow our guidelines to create compelling popular articles and SEO rich content. Through our online article submissiom form your story can quickly be published. How you came to be in a wheelchair, a sporting activity you participate in, or enjoy watching, or simply a long question. We only require a 300 word minimum. You just read 64.

Website Help and Updates

One third of the population has or cares for someone with a disability. We promote disability adventure for wheelchair users and provide support information to family and friends impacted by spinal cord injury paraplegia and quadriplegia. Register and say hello. Share your story pictures and experience with our friendly community and get the answers you’ve been looking for.

3D Wheelchair Model Animation

Creating 3D wheelchair model animation is easy with so many user friendly programs available these days. You no longer need a degree in kinetics to easily create realistic animations. I explained how to set up some simple 3D wheelchair models previously using free 3D software Daz3D. Now here are a few 3D wheelchair model animations ….