Custom Wheelchairs

Straight out of The Jetson’s these space age wheelchair designs shape the future direction of wheelchair manufacture and user trends. Compare these futuristic concept wheelchair designs and prototypes with antique wheelchairs and you will see how vastly wheelchair production has improved over the last century.

Life in the early 19th century for wheelchair users and those living with spinal cord injury was extraordinarily harsh. Expected life outcomes were bleak and the lucky who managed to survive were severely restricted by archaic wheelchairs and equipment. Unable to live independently and navigate around their local environment wheelchair users languished until they passed away.

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Thankfully in the new millennium we are fortunate enough to have carbon fiber, titanium, advanced rubbers and plastics. Utilizing these and modern machinery highly skilled manufacturers can create incredibly lightweight robust wheelchairs of all kinds today. Custom made manual wheelchairs you can lift with one finger or highly engineered power wheelchairs. We are free to venture out in safety comfort and style.

3 thoughts on “Custom Wheelchairs

  1. This is available in the UK from Recare, its an oxford based company but the chair certainly ain cheap

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